210 paypal for 200 stars.
Ftrunkz, Mar 30 2011
Hi, looking for someone to trade 210 paypal for 200 stars, looking to get into poker again after quitting sc2 and want to start my roll from some winnings i have in paypal from sc2. Willing to send first if you're a known poster . pretty easy $10 imo!
my stars for your ftp ($300)
Ftrunkz, Nov 25 2009
disregard, doing it myself to receive 100% deposit bonus, sorry for pointless post =[
edit2: how long does netteller usually take to recieve money from a cashout?
HEM and Accnt balance doesnt add up?
Ftrunkz, Nov 25 2009
Srsly where is my money going -_-.
I had exactly $300 at the start of the week, never withdrew, never played anything but cash games all of which was recorded by HEM... Anyone know what the go is? (all played on pokerstars fwiw)

edit: also, no cashouts under the 'history' tab. no emails saying that money has been transfered from my account, etc.
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